Entre revueltas, pandemias y esperanzas José de Nordenflycht Concha (Author) 3-10 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.2
Speeches and Patrimonial Representations Stressed by Contemporary Art: the Artworks Funa, Souvenir and Ekeko by Bernardo Oyarzún Diego Andrade Benavente, Triana Sánchez Rubín (Author) 11-24 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2029.1
The Historic Cities Pac Program: Assessments of a Brazilian Federal Public Policy for Preservation Based on the Evolution of Public Policies in the Field Sarah Floresta Leal, Fernanda Borges de Moraes (Author) 25-36 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.3
Process of Placing Value on Industrial Assets, Memory and Human Rights Heritage in the Town of Neltume, Chile Pablo Seguel Gutiérrez, Claudia Jiménez Caballero (Author) 37-59 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.4
Inclusive Processes for Heritage Conservation. Workshop Taller Barrial de Artes y Oficios, Historical Center of Puebla, México Christian Enrique De La Torre Sánchez, Adriana Hernández Sánchez (Author) 61-72 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.5
Diagnosis and Characterization of a Coptic Textile from the Collection of the Centro de Documentacion y Museo Textil de Terrassa, España César Rodríguez Salinas (Author) 73-94 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.6
A Multi analytical Perspective on the Productive Process of a Series of Golden Frames: "the Governors of the Kingdom of Chile" Sara Chiostergi Picchio, Fernanda Espinosa Ipinza, Tomás Aguayo Alvarado (Author) 95-110 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.7
Crucifixes, Saints and Virgins: Study, Diagnosis and Intervention for their Visibility in a Museum of Natural History Natalia Salazar Aguilera, Carmen Royo Fraguas, Melissa Morales Almonacid, Gigliola Miori Della Rosa (Author) 113-123 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.8
Historical Cartography at People’s Service: the Heritage Maps Website of Digital National Library, Chile. 2014-2017 Darío Toro Balbontín, Gerardo Riquelme Gazzano, Bernardita Ladrón de Guevara González, Ana María Quiroz Castillo (Author) 125-136 PDF (Spanish) DOI: https://doi.org/10.70721/rc.n24.2019.9