Morphological Study on the Effectiveness of Cleaning With Rigid Gels on Cotton Fabrics
Published 2024-12-27
- textile cleaning,
- cotton,
- rigid gels,
- agar-agar,
- agarose
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This study assessed the application of agar-agar and agarose rigid gels in textile cleaning from both a theoretical and practical perspective. For this purpose, white cotton taffeta stained with coffee was employed, along with rigid gels of agar-agar and agarose prepared in two proportions (3% and 5%). After this treatment, a portion of the specimens underwent accelerated artificial ageing via UV radiation. To assess the cleaning effectiveness of the rigid gels and any possible morphological changes to the fabric, this procedure was compared with the conventional aqueous washing method using a surfactant. The results achieved were satisfactory, showing differences between the cleaning treatments studied.
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