Terminological Standardisation in the Field of Conservation-restoration of Heritage Assets in Chile: a Preliminary Study
Published 2024-12-27
- terminological standardization,
- conservation-restoration of heritage assets in Chile,
- terminology work methodology,
- linguistic criteria,
- terminological criteria
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This article outlines the methodological and linguistic criteria employed in a preliminary study on the standardisation process for terminology concerning alterations in the conservation-restoration of Chile’s cultural heritage.
Terminological standardisation is inherently an interdisciplinary task. This project involves professionals from the National Centre for Conservation and Restoration (Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración, CNCR) and the National Textile Conservation Committee (Comité Nacional de Conservación Textil, CNCT) — who contribute their conceptual expertise — alongside linguists from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, PUC), who provide theoretical, methodological, and practical knowledge of terminology as both a discipline and a product.
The project adapts international methodologies, data collection tools, and work protocols; however, the linguistic criteria must be developed ad hoc to respect the linguistic and cultural particularities of each specific context, in this case, Chilean Spanish.
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