Published 2024-12-27
- 19th-century stained-glass,
- memorial stained glass,
- Protestantism in Chile,
- religious iconography,
- churches in Valparaíso
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European stained glass was introduced to South America in the 1870s through imported works, primarily religious, from Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. Although the stained-glass corpus in Catholic churches in Chile has been studied, that of reformed churches is almost unknown. The intention and reception of the depicted imagery differ among the worship spaces of various denominations. This article analyses the iconography in the stained-glass windows of Saint Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Valparaíso, Saint Peter’s Anglican Chapel and Union Church in Viña del Mar. The article presents the general background of the works, iconography, attribution of workshops or creators, production dates, and commemorative dedications that support the hypothesis regarding the memorial vocation of the Anglican case. The research is supplemented with notes on stylistic approaches, techniques, and the overall conservation status of the stained glass.
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