Diagnosis and Characterization of a Coptic Textile from the Collection of the Centro de Documentacion y Museo Textil de Terrassa, España
Published 2024-12-09
- textile collecting,
- coptic textiles,
- dating,
- diagnosis
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The following essay is the result of an investigation carried out into a Coptic textile preserved at the Collection of Centro de Documentación y Museo Textil in Terrassa (CDMT). The research was a fruitful collaboration of different institutions and experts from the field. The main goal of this investigation was twofold, on the one hand to get an insight into the possible context of manufacture, on the other to understand the main reason of why the textile was treated in such a way.
For this purpose, two roads of enquiry were taken during this study. Firstly a complete review of the most important studies on Coptic textiles to date, and secondly a thorough study of the materials involved such as fibres, mordants and adhesives. With all this data, it was possible to build a more accurate approach of the production of the textile.
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